Sunday, 19 February 2012

Hugely smiley day!

What glorious weather today! Children in the garden, washing on the line - all too exciting!

His Lairdship and Mr M went on a play date to a model shop and came back very excited with lots of bits and pieces. Mr M wanted to make his car go faster, and it does; his Lairdship and the Boy are getting quite advanced in their plans to take over the house with model trains... More track was bought today along with fishplates, which are apparently an essential piece of model trainery kit and not a nasty rash!

Meanwhile, back at HQ, the Marvellous Mrs M and I were cooking to our hearts' content in a girly, team-work way. We are both quite competitive but work well together in the kitchen. The Curry Feast was declared worthy of high accolade - eight clean plates - and then followed up by home-made pavlova. This did not touch the sides for the most part! Such fun...

As I strolled home with the Boy we were discussing the constellation of Orion and admiring Betelgeuse, as you do, if you're unsure it is the pink-hued star on his right shoulder. However, neither of us could remember the name of his left shoulder star... Further investigation is definitely required!

Five very smiley things:

  1. Curry feasts
  2. Meringue
  3. Frosty walks
  4. Star-gazing
  5. Good night kisses from the Girl and the Boy
Cheery smiles, D x

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