Thursday 11 April 2013

Glorious children

Now, I might have said this before - my children are wonderful.

Take today, the Boy did his homework without too much complaining, greatly aided by the liberal application of sweets as rewards and then proceeded to be a young gentleman of the first order. The Girl got herself up and made me a cup of tea - an act of superstardom in our home - before getting herself breakfast and not disturbing the Boy and myself as we wrestled with English and Maths revision. The most amazing thing about this is that it was all completed before 10 in the morning! Colour me amazed and grateful...

This was then topped off by an enjoyable day in town with my two as we tackled the shoe and equipment lists before going back to school after the Easter break. A task to strike fear into the stoutest of parents' hearts... The Boy opened doors for myself and the Girl; the Girl was patience personified in the shoe shop when they had only one pair in her size. Such a marvellous day in the company of two wonderful young people of whom I am extremely proud.

Five super duper smiley things for today:

  1. My amazing children
  2. Lovely ladies and gentlemen in different shops who went above and beyond the call of duty to help my gorgeous children
  3. New stationery for school
  4. New shoes!
  5. My wonderful husband
Cheery smiles, D x


  1. WOW! Sounds too good to be true! ;)

    1. That was my thought - but it really did happen that way!
